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2023-05-13 06:10:23社会责任1

1. 做义工的作文英语

Distinguished audience:

My name is XXX, Class X, Grade 2. I am a junior high school student. The theme of my speech is: My dream is to be a volunteer.

Although my dream is easy to realize, my dream is to become a volunteer. Some people say that you are too silly, others say that you can make money through this? Impossible. I also got support. I want to be a volunteer, because I am willing to help others. I will volunteer for the children. I want to teach children with reading difficulties.

If I am a volunteer in a clean city, my own strength is a small partner, but I can make the city cleaner. Many people think there are many dirty places in Hainan. We can clean them up.

Pure soul, better way, so I want to be a volunteer

Thanks very much. Thank you for your support. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming to listen to my speech.

2. 做义工的英语作文模板

community volunteers, my classmates and I go to the drop-in centre to help with things of which we are capable every or every other Saturday afternoon.There are many old people and children who are not able to return home temporarily. The old often feel lonely and helpless. So some of us read newspaper for them and chat with them. With the spiritual company, they find everyday filled with happiness.

Some of us play games with the children.

Some help do the cleaning.

People there speak highly of us, saying that we are all obliging.

I feel satisfied that I can be helpful when others are in need.

I hope that more students can join us, since there are still many people who need our help.

The more we contribute, the better our society will become

3. 做义工英文翻译

advantages of being an volunteer 翻译:当志愿者的好处 (短语)

there are advantages to be a volunteer 翻译:当志愿者有许多好处 (句子)


4. 有关做义工的英语作文

In the zoo

Oh,today is warm!I am going to the zoo.

In the zoo,I can see many animals.The elephants are walking.

The monkeys are swinging.There are many rabbits in the zoo.

They are very cute!Oh,look at the birds,they are flying.

I am so happy!Haha!

Yesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.My parents and I visited the zoo.We went by bus.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got there at 8:30.There were many people in the zoo.Some were watching the anima

5. 做义工的作文英语翻译

Ladies and gentlemen My name is Wang Tao. Fm very glad to share my wonderful experience with you.

Thanks for your listening!

One possible version:

The 16th Asian Youth Games were held in Nanjing. It started on 16th August 2013 and ended on 24th August. As a volunteer I needed to take athletes to their different competition areas. I took good care of them in many ways and helped them solve many problems. In their spare time I chatted with them in English. We both learned about different cultures and also developed our friendship. I think it's meaningful to do the job. I hope to have more chances to help others.

6. 做义工的作文英语带翻译

I want to be a volunteer初中  我想成为一名志愿者  I want to be a volunteer, because I think it's very happy to help others.  I ll volunteer for children. I ll going to teach children who have trouble in reading.  And I want to be a teacher and I love children and reading, so it is important for me. And I believe everyone can happy.  I will work hard for my dream. And being a volunteer is great.

7. 义工的英文作文

The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people. Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas. And they contribute daily necessaries, offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster-relief work. Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves. Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills, all of which are critical for their professional growth. As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work. It is not only good to our society, but also a chance for us to grow and to learn.

8. 当义工的英语作文

We worked as volunteers in a farmw last Sunday. The farm is huge with millions of herd and the owner was kind. We helped collect grass and walked some small animals. This experience left me a deep impression.

9. 做义工的作文英语怎么写

I‘d like to be a volunteer very much and i think it is meaningful for me. We can learn something from it, which can help us to understand what kind of life we want. I've had several experiences about being a volunteer. And the most impressive for me is about helping the olds, which is organized by our school. We help them to cook and make the bed, and some other things that we can do. It makes me feel like they are my grandparents. They have a comfortable life in nursing home, but the environment makes them lonely. what we do really make them happy. I wsh I could get more opportunities to do such things.


10. 做义工英文短语

联想方式: volun-(窝轮);teer-tear(眼泪)











Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain.


11. 做义工 英语

【汉语】志愿者 【英语】volunteer 【英中文对照释义】

1)A volunteer is someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it. 志愿者;义务工作者;义工

2)A volunteer is someone who offers to do a particular task or job without being forced to do it. 自告奋勇者;主动做事者

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